Friday, December 27, 2019

Learn How to Order a Drink in Italian

One of the most delightful Italian traditions is meeting up for a pre-dinner drink between 7 and 9pm. Known as an aperitivo, this is a civilized way to wind down from the stress of the day and to whet your appetite for dinner. If you’re curious about how an aperitivo works and the etiquette when you go to one, read this:  How to Do an â€Å"Aperitivo† Right in Italy In order to take part in this tradition, here are three quick phrases to commit to memory: Prendo un bicchiere di (prosecco), per favore. - I’ll take a glass of (prosecco), please.Con / senza ghiaccio - With / without iceNe vorrei un altro, (per favore). - I would like another (please). If you want to get a bit more detailed, here are phrases that are more specific to: Ordering Wine in Italian Prendiamo un quarto di rosso della casa. - We’ll take a quart of red house wine.Prendiamo un mezzo litro di rosso della casa! - We’ll take a half liter of red house wine.Avete un bianco  pià ¹ morbido? - Do you have a white  wine that’s smoother?Mi consiglia un bianco secco? - Can you recommend a dry white wine for me?Prendo un rosso dolce. Solo un bicchiere. - I’ll take a sweet red wine. Just one glass.Vorremmo una bottiglia di Orvieto classico. - We would like a bottle of classic Orvieto.Un bicchiere di vino rosato, per favore. - A glass of rosà ©, please.Vorrei assaggiare un vino rosso corposo. - I would like to try a full-bodied red wine.Chi assaggia? - Who is tasting?Buono! - It’s good!Non mi piace. - I don’t like it. All of the above phrases will be really useful for ordering wine in a restaurant, too. You can learn some more phrases about how to order food here. Ordering Beer in Italian Some  popular beers in Italy are Tennent’s Lager, Peroni, and Nastro Azzurro. If you’re curious about other popular beers,  read this article  (note its in Italian).  Ã‚   Cosa avete alla spina? - What do you have on tap?Avete birre chiare? - What light beers do you have?Avete birre scure? - What dark beers do you have?Prendo una bottiglia di Stella. - I’ll take a bottle of Stella. Partaking of Other Drink Options Popular drinks to order during aperitivo are the spritz, the Americano, a Negroni, and prosecco. Bellinis, a popular drink made of peach juice and champagne,  was invented in the 1930s in Venice and named after the Venetian artist Giovanni Bellini. Vorrei un digestivo. - I would like a digestive.Prendiamo due Bellini. - We’ll take two bellinis.Vorrei qualcosa di analcolico da bere./ Per me un analcolico, grazie. - I would like something non-alcoholic to drink.Prendo uno spritz. - I’ll take a spritz.Due bicchierini di Jameson. - Two shots of Jameson.Un whisky liscio, per favore. - A whiskey neat, please. More General Phrases Cosa ti porto? - What can I get you?Ti offro. - I’m buying.Cosa prendi? - What are you getting?Quant’à ¨? - How much is it?Tenga il resto. - Keep the change.Servite ancora da bere? - Are you still serving drinks? And if you’ve done some more serious drinking while out with Italian friends, the next day you might want to say†¦ Ho un dopo-sbornia incredibile! - I have a hangover!Ieri sera ho preso una bella sbornia! - Last night I got quite drunk! Practice Dialogue And while memorizing the phrases that you’re going to say is certainly useful, it’s even better when you’re able to see everything in context. Here’s a short dialogue of what the interaction might look like: Bartender: Prego. - Go ahead and order. / What can I get for you?You: Prendo un negroni senza ghiaccio, per favore. - I’d like a negroni without ice, please.Bartender: Va bene. Altro? - Okay. Anything else?You: Anche un prosecco e due bicchieri di vino rosso. - A prosecco and two glasses of red wine as well.Bartender: E poi? Nient’altro? - And then? Anything else?You: No, basta cosà ¬. - No, that’s it.Bartender: Sono ventuno euro. - 21 euro.You: Ecco.Tenga il resto. - Here you go. Keep the change.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Austens Use of Environment in Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austens use of Environment in Pride and Prejudice In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen places characters in environments that reveal important details about the characters. It would have been easy to communicate Elizabeths prejudice or Darcys pride using the voice of a narrator, but Austen chooses a more subtle and interesting method of enlightening her readers. Whether using physical surroundings or social contexts, Austen repeatedly coordinates both time and place together to create situations in which her characters can conveniently show off the assets and/or flaws of their personalities. Once placed in Austens well-chosen environments, her characters go into action. This action is more convincing than a narrator telling us†¦show more content†¦In this social context, the other characters are able to witness her interaction with Darcy, and can therefore offer different perspectives on her overall situation with him. They are also able to reveal things about themselves. For example, Jane shows her trusting nature by defending him; Charlotte shows her tendency to excuse unfavorable traits in a person perhaps because that person is wealthy; Mary shows her desire to be intelligent by offering in-depth definitions of pride and vanity. All of these details are available to readers because Austen places characters in the social context of the ball, and because she places them in a social context the next day so they can discuss the ball. Another reason Austen places the characters at the ball is to set up a comparison-and-contrast type of outlook on the two main couples in the novel: Jane and Bingley vs. Lizzy and Darcy. This scene is the first scene where Austen actually places each couple beside the other and points out their differences. Jane and Bingley dance with each other numerous times, laughing and visiting. Lizzy and Darcy dont dance or speak at all. Jane and Bingley are impressed by each other at first sight, whereas Lizzy and Darcy hold each other in contempt. This social context is the beginning of an ongoing comparison-and-contrast type of outlook on the two couples, which helps the reader better understand the strengths andShow MoreRelatedJane Austen s Pride And Prejudice1693 Words   |  7 Pagescontexts through the reflections of illicit and explicit similarities and differences in the values and attributes presented. Jane Austen’s 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice and Fay Weldon’s 1 993 epistolary text Letters to Alice, both challenge the worth of their time as contexts change, but values are upheld. Weldon’s reflection on Austen’s nineteenth century environment, conveys to responders how marriage, gender roles and social class continue to be relevant issues in both regency times and the modernRead MoreJane Austen s Life And Prejudice1430 Words   |  6 PagesAusten was a conservative female who spent most of her time writing novels that reflected her views on love, war, reputation, and class. This eventually influenced her to write a literary classic; Pride and Prejudice. Love in Jane Austen s life was one of the most influential factors in Pride and Prejudice. In her personal life, she had fallen in love with a man named Tom Lefroy whom she spent much of her time with. Through this experience, she wrote letters to her sister about their relationshipRead MoreJane Austens Writing Style Essay565 Words   |  3 PagesJane Austens writing style is a mix of neoclassicism and romanticism. Austen created a transition into Romanticism which encourages passion and imagination in writing instead of a strict and stale writing style. It is very emotional and follows a flowing not structured form. Mixing these two styles was one of Austens strongest talents, which gave her an edge in the literary world. No other author in her time was able to create such a strong transition between writing styles. Austen used herRead MoreJane Austen’S Pride And Prejudice Is One The World’S Most1357 Words   |  6 PagesJane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is one the world’s most popular novels. It was published in 1813,  Pride and Prejudice  was Jane Austen s second novel after  Sense and Sensibility  in 1811. It portrays the situation in the late 18th and early 19th century in England. Set in the country village of Longbourn in Hertfordshire The plot focuses on Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist and her sisters and the constant endeavors of their parents, Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet to get their daughters marriedRead MoreEssay about A Sense of Place in Austens Pride and Prejudice1450 Words   |  6 PagesA Sense of Place in Austens Pride and Prejudice It is interesting to observe Dictionary.coms definition of the word place in relation to person. Especially when it comes to Pride and Prejudice, where Austen has made great use of the objective correlative technique, in which many, if not all, of her settings considerably reflect the characteristics of their owners. She additionally employs several other techniques regarding the sense of place in her novel, which are important notRead More Comparing Satire in Canterbury Tales, Pride and Prejudice and The Rape of the Lock1351 Words   |  6 PagesUse of Satire in Canterbury Tales, Pride and Prejudice and The Rape of the Lock Jane Austen and Alexander Pope had had a myriad of writing styles and techniques from which to express the desired themes of their works.   Satire, however, seemed to be the effective light-hearted, yet condescending, tool that enabled them to surface the faults and follies of their moral and elite society.   In Chaucers Canterbury Tales, satire is used to the full extent in revealing the glutton within a piousRead MoreEssay on Pride and Prejudice Book Analysis1352 Words   |  6 Pages In Jane Austen’s England, British heritage, it was said that â€Å"we certainly know the world of the English late 18th century and the Regency beginning the 1800s was very different from our own. Her novels of love and social manners in the Regency gentry are loved because of her brilliant use of language and her savvy insight into human motivation and relationships.† (1) The book, â€Å"Pride and Prejudice,† by Jane Austen takes place in England around the 1800s.The setting itself is what sets the moodRead MoreJane Austens Influence on Literature: Pride and Prejudice1216 Words   |  5 Pagesto the survival of women during this time (Helms 32). Even knowing these qualities were important in her life she criticized them. Jane’s writing is somewhat comical, because even while criticising those normal discriminations in her book Pride and Prejudice, the book was published with a prejudiced nameless cover, shedding even greater light on the lack of sense and shortcoming of sensibility of eighteenth century Great Britain. So in order for women to hide their identity while writing about thingsRead MorePride and Prejudice Research Paper2598 Words   |  11 PagesDecember 2011 A Progressive Work in a Conservative Time Pride and Prejudice, a Jane Austen novel, is one of the most classical pieces of literature in history. It has been evaluated and critiqued a countless number of times, and has been adapted into several films. It can be argued that there is a lot to be retained by readers from this literary work, an important message that can be passed down from generation to generation. During Jane Austen’s time, in the early 1800’s, women were around to be marriedRead MoreJane Austen s Pride And Prejudice1649 Words   |  7 PagesIn her novel, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen is pre-occupied with the theme of marriage. Marriage is a central issue of a woman’s life but it was even more crucial for the women of her society where women were largely dependent on the men in their lives. As a result, women pursued socio-economic stability through marriage. However, it is clear through the novel that Austen did not agree with this part of her society. In Pride and Prejudice, she giv es preference to a marriage which is based on love

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay Pdf Example For Students

Capital Punishment Essay Pdf Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is the hardest form of punishment enforced in the United States today. It is a controversial issue that continues to be debated by the American public. Most of the factors people do not agree on the issue of Capital punishment is immoral and for this reason should not be allowed in our society. On the other hand, there are many reasons for the support of Capital punishment. Capital punishment protects the innocent of society against the violence of criminals. Capital punishment deters crime and helps create peaceful conditions for our society. Capital punishment also serves the purpose of justice for the victims of the crimes. Furthermore, people believe that death penalty reduces serious crimes. Although there are many effective reasons supporting the death penalty, many people still deem that Capital punishment should be abolished because it is cruel, inhumane and barbaric. Moreover, the possibility of innocent death is always th ere. In addition, some people believe that the most effective punishment to deter crimes is life sentence, not Capital punishment. Firstly, Capital Punishment is cruel and unusual punishment. Once a jury has convicted a person, they go to the second part of the trial, the punishment phase. If the jury recommends the death penalty and the judge agrees, the criminal will face some form of execution and then a life is ended. The death penalty is cruel because it is the inhumane taking of a human life. The methods by which executions are carried out can involve physical torture. In other words, Capital Punishment is for legally killing people. Secondly, the possibility of innocent death is always there. There are many cases in the past where an innocent person was killed. The death penalty is irrevocable. In case of a mistake, the executed prisoner cannot be given another chance. Justice can miscarry. On the other hand, if the death penalty is not executed, the offender will have a chance to pay backsociety, like cleaning breaches, streets. There is no doubt that someone alive can do more than dead can. The offender has a chance to compensate the victim or the victims family with the offenders own income from employment or community service. By working, the criminal inadvertently pay back society and also the victim or the victims family. However, there is no reason for the criminal to receive any compensation for his work. In addition, the offenders also have opportunities to think back what they have done wrong. Another argument for the death penalty is that it deters crimes. Many people think that the murderers in this world will not kill if they know there is Capital punishment. However, professional killers take measures to make sure they do not get caught. They skillfully create their plans to make sure they are not suspected of criminal activity. A person who gets caught for killing another individual is usually someone who did not plan to commit homicide. The actions of these individuals are unplanned and erupt as a result of a rage or anger. The death penalty, it would seem, would logically deter crime, but the problem is that most murderers are unplanned and are not a result of logic. Finally, many people believe that life sentence is more frightful than Capital punishment and it really deters crimes. Life sentence means living in prison for life. The feeling of no freedom and dark are really more painful than death penalty, just like a bird in a cage which it can only fly within that little and limited area. With the death penalty, the offender will only feel pain for only a split second. However, for the life sentence, the offenders will feel pain and loneliness for their remaining life. They can go nowhere. They can see nothing but the walls. .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53 , .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53 .postImageUrl , .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53 , .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53:hover , .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53:visited , .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53:active { border:0!important; } .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53:active , .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53 .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf66e7ad102bae5017abdda11334eed53:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Personal College Narrative EssayCapital punishment is immoral in principle. It assures the execution of some innocent people. Moreover, there is no one in the world has the right to take someones life. Thats why Capital punishment should be abolished in our society. Words/ Pages : 707 / 24

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

TyDaesha Fezzia Essays (365 words) - Epistemology,

TyDaesha Fezzia AP Government and Politics 01/15/2017 Empirical or Normative Assignment The first passage is based on empirical evidence of the " important events of ethnic conflict in Eastern Europe, from the 1905 Russian Revolution." Being that the book is trying to obtain and " identify the motivations of individual perpetrators of ethnic violence". In the book "Justice and the Politics of difference" it shows a normative approach identifying the demands of group-based social movements. It's also implying the norm or standard of commodity. The econo mic theories and justice of implicit activists is mentioned throughout the book. In this book it shows the empirical evidence of farmland and documented conditions by William Durham. The statistical reasoning in this book examines over incentives of researched studies on the Civil War and citizenship. Elisabeth Jean Wood flourishes the initial time periods on how political and economic interest are grasp with experiments. The actuality of this book examines into the depth of a pathos feel f o r t h e " A m e r i c a n N e g r o h i s t o r y " . I t g o e s i n t o a perspective on how people of color should have felt during this time. It peeks into a normative verge on how spiritual standards and strife can make a race feel "ashamed." This book shows the research on a empirical observation and theory that may or may not be used when required. The political theory tests individuals with the scru tiny of sparking ethnic violence. He trials through concerns with statistical evidence to support his answer. I would argue that it would be both empirical and normativ e . B eing that it states f a c t s a n d e m o t i o n a l a p p e a l s o f t he dispensations of India's daily threats to religious rights. The focus on India seeks just how ineffable a target can disturbed a country. She states it is " not from a clash between civilizations, but from a clash within each of us."